Saturday, March 25, 2006


Just Beachy!

The beachy version of the splash logo. A little water, a little beach glass, some sand, water and waves.

Returning to Tally tonight. Conference was wonderful, my favorite classes were with John Paul Caponigro and Vincent Versace. Caught up with both Ben and Bert. Met some new folks I hope will stay in touch (and some who probably won't) and had dinner with a fascinating guy who works for Olympus last night. We talked cameras and families and travel and was just like being a grownup. And nobody said "PeopleSoft" for a whole week. :-)

My cellphone got wet in Thursday's downpour and is trashed. I'm off to get a new one. Bluetooth, probably, so I can get one of those cool ear things. Posted by Picasa

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