Thursday, February 16, 2006
Korean War Memorial, Tallahassee, FL

Needs a lot of Photoshopping.
I'll try to get a larger grouping of these shots edted tomorrow and posted to the web.
The concept of the memorial is an interesting one-- I just wish the site was more photogenic.
The upright torus or ring reads "Duty, Honor Country" A large section appears to be torn out by a careless or violent hand and thrown to the ground behind the ring. On the face of the torn out section, is the word "Life" and the inner surface is inscribed with the names of the 500+ Floridians killed in the Korean Confilct.
In the center of the ring is a bronze sculpture of a helmet balanced on the stock of a rifle. The barrel (and probably a fixed bayonet) is embedded in the ground in the traditional tribute to a fallen soldier. (I'm reminded of the poignant WWII sketch by Howard Brodie)