Tuesday, February 07, 2006
DMV was actually a nice place to be today

I got an update on the status of my car--- the parts are on and it's been painted, but it has no glass in the rear three windows yet. It will be another week or so until it's back in my posession.
That was the good news. The bad news was that my license plate was trashed, so I had to go to the DMV to get a new one. I was dreading this, because I remembered what a major hassle it was when I moved down to Florida and needed to change the registration of my car from Georgia to FL.
Well, these folks today were helpful, efficient and pleasant. It took less than 15 minutes, and that included wait time. It was a breath of fresh air. It took me longer to return a shirt (with tags attached and receipt in hand) to Old Navy last week. Well Done, Duane from the Leon County Tax Collector's Office! Thanks!