Monday, January 22, 2007


Not my best eagle shot

But he was way cool! Posted by Picasa


Armoured and dangerous

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Once upon a time there were three elephants....

A Mommy elephant, a Daddy elephant and a little Baby elephant..... Posted by Picasa


We're ready for our close up, Mr. Demille!

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Peel Me A Grape, Dahling!

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Tampa Buddies

I visited my orangutan buddies at the Lowry Park Zoo for the first time in about a year. I still think they're amazing! Posted by Picasa


A trip to Leu gardens

I had business in Orlando this week, and I made a quick stop a Leu gardens on the way to the airport. The camellias were in bloom and my favorite variety, Pink Perfection, was particularly lovely. Posted by Picasa

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